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Date: Jan 3, 2003

This word is submitted by Jana ALcorn (JAlcorn@aol.com)


                           Moving Forward

I am calling you beyond the things of the past that you thought were so 
important.  I am bringing you into focus and your eyes will not be on your 
own achievements.  I am bringing you to the point of desiring to please 
and satisfy Me as never before.

I have allowed you to be elevated into certain arenas so that you would 
know that I am so much higher than that.  This is why you have felt that 
there was more.  I am more, says the Lord.  It is My Fullness that you seek.  
Not just being filled, but Fullness, says the Lord.  Only I can accomplish 
that, says the Lord.

Love Me and follow Me with all your heart and you will fulfill the destiny 
that I have call you to.