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This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)
My Word
"Do you not know and do you not understand that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks? I ask you My children that when you speak from your heart do you not speak truly and fervently and with an expectation to see it come to pass?
But I tell you that that is where I speak from - from My Heart. I speak truth, I speak fervently and with the expectation that it will come to pass. It is for this fervency that the Father, Son and Spirit move, it is for this fervency that the angels hearken and demons tremble, it is for this fervency that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among you, it is for this fervency that He laid down His life for you and it is for this fervency that He is calling you even now.
Do not say that My Word is not for today for I tell you that I do not change nor do I lie. My Word is still from My Heart with all the fervency and truth and power to come to pass as when it first was spoken. Do you not understand that when you speak My Word - the word that is nigh thee even in thy mouth and heart - that you are speaking out of the abundance of My Heart and the angels will hearken, the demons will tremble? It is powerful, sharper than a two edged sword - do not treat it lightly, do not question whether I mean it or not for it comes from My Heart.
When you read it, when you think on it, when you speak it, know that it comes from My Heart with truth, with fervency and power and the expectation of coming to pass. Know that all of heaven and hell do hear it as from My heart and My lips!!