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This word is submitted by Tammie Gelis (needgrace2@hotmail.com)
I keep hearing the Lord ask us some questions here. I keep hearing questions like why is it that you fear my children? Why is it that you allow fear to control your life. Why do you let it control what you do and what you don't do?
I call you my beloved but yet fear even controls how you feel about me, you are afraid of me. You are afraid to come to me. You are afraid that I will cast you aside. Do not be afraid of me but trust me to do all that I have spoken. You have let fear of others control you, intimidate you, even to the point that it has even made some of you sick.
But I say to you this day that I am greater than any fear. My love will push through that fear! You do not have to be ruled by it no more. My perfect love will do it. My love has already been made perfect through my blood shed for you. Fear not! I know the plans I have for you....of a promise , a future and a hope. I am not a father that you need to fear.
Come to me children. Come bask in my presence, bask in my love. Trade your fear for love. I will do for you all that I have promised. Fear not only believe.