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This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard (gloryfirerain@earthlink.net)
My Life
It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And by two or three witnesses His word shall be established. I tell you this day that if you desire to go deeper with your Lord, then it is time to go straight to the source of your power and that is the Word of God. Too many are going to other sources for their supply and their fountain is going dry.
Bubble up, O Well. Spring forth, O River of Life and flourish my life with your breath and your being. Draw us to the Well, Lord, and help us to see that you are our main sustenance. You are our all in all. Why do we even try to make it on our own? Help us to truly give up and rely on you completely for you have everything under control.
Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened, but most of all.....ask and you shall receive. You have not because you ask not or that you ask amiss. Why not just turn over everything to Me and just rest in My faithfulness for I am the One who has brought you into being. I am the One who has created you and formed you in your mother's womb. I know everything about you. I know your lying down and your rising up each day. I know your thoughts, your emotions and your feelings, your aspirations and dreams. I know all about you. So why don't you just give it up and quit trying to make it on your own. Give it all to Me and just rest.
I say to you this day.....cease striving to try to please man and just be the vessel I created you to be so I can flow through you and live My life through you. I want you to rise up now and cast off all that has stood in your way. Overcome the lies of the enemy that have come on like a flood. Do not listen to the evil one any longer for he is the father of lies and no truth lies in him. He might try to take truth to get your attention but he takes it and twists it and perverts it to where there is no truth left.
So take My advice, My children, and rise up and take your land.
Ask Me to bless you....to bless you indeed and to increase your land, your territory and all that pertains to life and godliness in you. Expect a blessing. Expect life abundantly full of My promises of prosperity, and health and a multitude of spiritual blessings. Put on your robe of righteousness. Put on your crown for you are kings and priests in My kingdom, and walk with the authority I have given you for this is the day to take the land and exercise your power through your spoken word of faith.
Speak forth My word and see the enemy's kingdom fall, says your Lord and King.