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This word is submitted by Suzanne Stegman (sstegman@nwlink.com)
Go Forth
I am calling you forth to establish My Kingdom in this land. Go where I send you. I will speak through you. You will work with Me to accomplish that which I desire in this land and in other lands.
I am training you. I am equipping you. Trust in Me and Me alone. I AM your strength and your shield and your high tower. Trust not in man. Trust in Me alone. You will not be ashamed. I will honor you in the midst of the congregation as you honor Me and Me alone.

Go forth in My power and My strength.
Go forth in power and victory.
Go forth and establish My Kingdom in the land.
Go forth praising Me and honoring Me.
Go forth worshipping Me and glorifying Me.
Go forth and I will be with you.
Go forth my child, Go forth.

His strength and blessing be yours.
Submitted by Sue Stegman