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This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard (gloryfirerain@earthlink.net)
Rise Up And Take Your Land
Come unto Me all who are weary and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest for I see your hearts.....those who are struggling so with torment and fear and are having a hard time taking authority over the enemy of your soul. Rise up! I tell you today. Rise up and take your land! Do not let the enemy access to your thought life any longer. Did I not say in My word that you have authority over all the power of the enemy and that nothing by any means can harm you? Then why do you doubt My words to you?
Rise up and take your land and take a stand against the enemy decreeing "No more!" Command him to depart from you in Jesus name. For My word says that you are to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. And you are to have abundant life full of peace, joy and love. So refuse to listen to the lies of the enemy any longer. Choose life and not death, blessings and not cursings. The enemy is under your feet for you are seated with Christ at the right hand of the Father....the place of power and authority.
So, do not receive the harassment and the torment of the enemy any longer. Rise up and take your land.....all of your inheritance for I paid the price for you with the shed blood of the Lamb. This is the day of salvation. This is the day of deliverance. Choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose life and life abundantly, says your God.