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This word is submitted by Cheryl McGrath (southland@greatsouthland.org)
Dream and vision concerning Africa


My friend and I and a group of Africans were taken by an African leader to the a rural area, to a village, where we were all going to run an evangelistic outreach. When we arrived at the designated place, we found a field and started setting up for the outreach. Someone came and told us that there were rebels in the village school which was across the road from us, and they were holding the children hostage. I went over to the school with a group of young children. I hid in the shadows and had a look. I could see men with guns pointed at some children. Then the young children with me crept around the rebels and overpowered them. Each child took one man, while I stayed back in the shadows watching. One little boy ran back to me and told me the rebel he had caught was too big for him and he was scared of him. I went with him and showed him how to tie the rebel up and secure him. The children took the rebels captive and freed the other children. Then a mother came up to me and she was so full of joy, and started telling me how long she had been waiting for this to happen. She was talking about her little boy who was a leader among the children and who she had wanted to see made free. I then returned with the children back to the outreach sight, but I was told the supplies and equipment that were needed hadn't arrived as expected, and we would have to wait indefinitely until they came. We were so ready to preach the gospel, especially the children. We all felt we were on fire and just wanted to get the gospel out. We sat down on the grass to wait for the supply trucks, feeling disappointed and frustrated.
Immediately after this I was wide awake and I heard the Lord speaking clearly to me. This is what He said: "Africa has become known as a land where children have become soldiers. I am going to turn that around and the children are going to be MY soldiers, and I am going to establish My OWN liberation army with them."
He then immediately showed me a vision.
I saw black African children, both boys and girls, coming out of the African bush. They were in formation, marching in lines, and each one was dressed in white linen pants and top. They were singing and dancing with abandonment and making a lot of noise. Many of the children were under 12 years old. At the front of the army were boys with guns. Behind these ones were some children holding up a large banner which read "Jesus Christ is Lord of Africa." Behind these ones there were other children with large swords in their hands, and they waved them above their heads as they danced and sang.
The army came out of the bush and danced into an African village. Even though I say they danced, they kept formation as they danced. It was like a dancing march. As they entered the village, the boys at the front with guns trained their gun sites on the village people and started shooting at them. I saw heart shaped bullets come out of the guns and enter the village people right through their hearts. The people who were shot spattered with blood. But the Holy Spirit spoke and said "This is not the blood of the people, but the Blood of the Lamb". Each bullet fired hit its mark, none missing. Then the ones with swords, who had stood back and waited for this to happen, came forward. They stood in front of the villagers, and lifted their swords in front of their own faces. Then each child kissed their own sword with their lips. As they did so, multitudes of small swords came out of their mouths and went straight into the hearts of the village people, right were the bullets had penetrated.
I heard a Voice say of these ones "They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death."
INTERPRETATION: I believe the first child soldiers with the guns were child evangelists and that the Lord is also going to use them to evangelize many of the children of Africa, as well as adults. I believe the ones with the swords were child teachers who will come in and teach the word. I believe they will be willing to lay down their lives for the word of the gospel.
I also asked the Lord about the dream and He said that in the past the Western Church has sent labourers to Africa to tell the African churches how to do things, but that it is time for the African churches to take responsibility for the African nations. He said they have the labourers, but are waiting for resources from the west, which are not coming to the extent they are needed, because the western church is so preoccupied with itself. He said to tell them in the west to send the resources the African churches need to spread the gospel, because the harvest is extremely ripe.
Cheryl McGrath