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This word is submitted by Jane Jacobson (jjacobson13@sprint.ca)


A Call To Commitment

Be not concerned with the plight of many around you unless I speak to you and send you for a purpose. They need to learn to hear what the Spirit is saying. They have ears but have been walking in their own ways. I will have you carry their burdens no longer. It is time for them to come up to the higher places and make better choices and turn to Me to know Me as Lord. They refuse to bend their knees although many are saved. They listen to logic and philosophies not of Me. They ride on the wind and are tossed as a ship on the sea with no rudder, or path to follow.

I will open new doors for many to take the message of Christ to places where it will be received. Wipe the dust from your feet as directed. As Christ wept over Jerusalem because of the hardness of their hearts and because they did not receive Him, you too will walk away from certain situations and people who refuse to receive you or the word I send with you. I will use you, and the Spirit will work in glory and power as your energies and obedience are sent to those who have ears to hear...saved and unsaved ones. Does not My word say to be hot or cold but not luke-warm?...or I will spew you out of My mouth?

Exact timing is necessary. Empty yourselves of your will and desires and let the Spirit of God fill you and direct you. None of you and All of Him. You must walk in the Spirit of God to have victory! Do not operate out of good ideas and the flesh for they would drain you and not have the success you imagined. They may even hinder the work that I do. Be encouraged for I have come to bring life, and more abundantly. This is a new time. A resurrection. It is life that I come to bring. To refresh, to change, to renew,to heal, to transform,to deliver, to save. Come out of the old dead works and grave clothes and step out in New Life, the resurrected Christ which is within you.