Prophetic-School Words: Refining Fire

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Refining Fire (Lisa-Anne Wooldridge)

Originally from: Lisa-Anne Wooldridge <>
Originally dated: Monday, February 23, 1998 2:55 PM

"I am the Lord of the refining fire, I am the Lord who is faithful to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, I am the Lord who is the consuming fire.

I began this good work in you, and I am the one who will complete it. Do not think you can do this yourselves. It is I who must form My character in you. I am faithful. I will urge you to bring hidden things into the light. In me there is no darkness at all.

So many are afraid of consuming fire, so many fear pain in the pruning. Rather I tell you to embrace the fire, as the gold exults in the refining. You desire me to pour out on you the gift of prophecy. This pleases Me. I will also pour out on you that which leads to character. Press in, do not pull back.

I am the Lord who is faithful, I will do it. I desire a prophetic people. My desire is for you. Do not be surprised or discouraged when you stumble. Do not be dismayed when you fall. I have you in my hand, I will lead you from strength to strength.

When I call on you to go to your brother and confess, or when I say to you, "repent and return", do not hesitate. I am leading you on the path that I am making straight. I will be the one who guides you, so that you do not go to the left or to the right. I will lead you in the good way, the everlasting way.

You are on the road running to Me, you will appear before Me. I am well pleased when you pursue Me. Cast aside every encumberance so that you may run to Me more swiftly."

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