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His LordShip Article

Spiritual Factors

(August 15, 2009)

by Teresa Seputis [ts@godpeak.net]

When you read "diet" literature, they talk about the different factors that you have to take into account to be successful in loosing weight:

Those are all important components of weight loss. But they are not the whole picture--there is a spiritual dimension that much be dealt with as well. You are not just your body and your mind--you also have a spirit and you must address spiritual factors to be fully successful in dieting.

These spiritual factors fall into two different categories. You need to

  1. Remove The Influence of Negative Spiritual Factors That Hinder You, and
  2. Increase the Positive Spiritual Factors That Assist You.

I hope to do a much more in-depth teaching on this at some future time, but let me give you a quick overview here, so that you have a sense of what I am talking about.

Negative Spiritual Factors

There are negative spiritual influences that operate against us in many aspects of our lives, and they can effect our ability to diet, loose weight or remain healthy. There are times when these spiritual forces work against us so strongly that we have to deal with them before we can be successful in putting our eating under God's Lordship, and leaving it there.

So how do you know if negative spiritual forces are interfering with your ability to eat right and loose weight? Spiritual discernment can help, of course, but there is also a practical guideline you can follow. If you are dealing with the other factors (the physiological ones, the psychological ones and the practical ones) and you are not making much progress, then there are probably some spiritual factors that you need to address. And most of us with weight problems do have some of them operating against us.

So what are they? This is not an exhaustive list, but the more common ones include:

Positive Spiritual Factors

Positive spiritual factors are things that release God's blessing, empowerment, and help in your life. They are things that give you divine favor in certain areas. Basically, the more you draw close to God and the more you make a commitment to His lordship and choose to obey Him, the more of His blessing and empowerment you will enjoy in your life. This is not to say that you won't have struggles, but that you will be better situated to successfully overcome those struggles, and to rely on the Lord's strength and encouragement as you deal with them.

Also, the Lord will begin to build godly strongholds (good habits) in your life to replace ungodly ones. For instance, He might tear down the "stronghold" of "eating for comfort" with a stronghold of "discussing the problem with Him and prayerfully journaling."

Of course, the closer you draw to the Lord, and the more you commit to obey Him and choose to do things that are pleasing to Him, the more tangibly you will see His blessings and anointing in your life, and in whatever area you are endeavoring to put under His lordship.

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