Contacting Teresa

To Invite Her To Come Minister

Teresa can be contacted by email, phone or regular mail.


At present the best email address to reach Teresa at is:


That address could change, so please be sure to check back with this page and don't forget to hit reload to get the most current address.


The phone number for GodSpeak International is:

Note that this number is seldom manned by a person and you will probably have to leave a message and be called back. Be sure to speak clearly and leave callback infomration. State that you want to invite Teresa to minister and give a brielf description of the event and of your location, as well as any other infomration you consider pertenent.

We sometimes only check this number for messages once or twice a week, so please be patient if your call is not returned promptly.

Please do not use this number to leave requests for personal prophecy or prayer requests, as those calls will not be returned.

Traditional Mail

You can write Teresa at

GodSpeak International
PO Box 4000
Hayward, CA 94540-4000 USA