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Character Verses Gifting
It is important to realize there is a very distinct difference between gifting and character. This is true for any ministry, but it is particularly true regarding the prophetic. People can be very gifted in the prophetic and still have serious character issues that would greatly impair the effective functioning of the team. The sad reality is that gifting does not ensure character. Giftings are received by faith. Character is grown as fruit. Having one does not insure the other. People can be very gifted in the prophetic, they can give accurate words with many specific details -- and they can have serious character deficiencies.
It is important to understand the difference between character and gifting when determining who would serve well as a team member in ministry. Individuals need certain character attributes to be effective team members and team ministers. This lesson and the next two deal with some of the important character qualifications that should be evidenced (at least in seed form) within individuals who would be good candidates for team ministry.
(Authors note: The content of this lesson could quite probably disqualify most everyone from ministry if held as the unwavering and ultimate standard. I do not offer this to be used as a rigid legalistic plumb line. Instead, I hope these guidelines will serve as a fluid indictor of areas in need of further growth, or areas in need of more of God's sustaining and enabling grace.)
Potential Problems In Teams
All teams face potential problems. But awareness of hindrances can help eliminate future obstacles. The following are just a few examples of the types of problems that frequently surface in the context of team ministry. Each of these problems indicate the need for character growth for effectiveness.
Team members must realize that their present position is God's training ground for them, that they are there because God has called them to be there. They must do the best possible job in order to be promoted. There is a place for goals, but the team member needs to pursue their present service wholeheartedly. Otherwise the team member is ministering with an inappropriate perspective or motive such as personal ambition. It will hurt the team in the long run to have members who are motivated to be on the team only because they view it as a "stepping stone" to some other goal. Team members need to be committed to the ministry that the team is performing.
Another wrong perspective is viewing our present team position as a second best role and an "inferior ministry." One's role does not determine one's value! Every potential prophetic team must view their situation from the perspective that where he/she is placed is God's purpose and God's pleasure. They must understand that their present position is (at this time) the best for them, and the best for the local house of the Lord and for the Kingdom of God. This type of outlook will bring a sense of security and fulfillment.
Desirable Characteristics for Team Members
The above list is by no means an exhaustive list of potential problems that can be encountered in teams. But it does indicate the need for certain characteristics that are desirable qualities for team members. The following are eight important character qualities to look for in candidates for team ministry:
We will take a look at these "desirable characteristics" in our next lesson.