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Date: Sep 17, 2008

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wengra@sympatico.ca]


             Eagle in Flight

My sweet child. I see your desire to fly. As you abide in Me you will 
become the swift eagle that soars at six thousand feet and looks into 
the sun with ease. 

But dear one, you can not attempt this in your own effort. I see your
struggle as you earnestly try to lift up your face out of the dirt. I 
see that you are top heavy from the weight that holds you down. I see 
that though you try to stand your legs can not hold you. I see that as 
you attempt to try your wings, they only lose the wind.

You see child, what you do not realize is that apart from Me you can 
do nothing. My tasks are not something to be done in your own strength 
because it will become far too great for you. I never expected you to 
carry the burden on yourself. You must trust in Me because My yoke is 
easy and My burden is light. I will teach you to fly. When I have deemed 
it the appropriate season, you will sense the anointing of My Spirit 
hovering over you. I will come to you as a shekinah glory cloud and you 
will sense My presence as My Spirit rests on you. You will know that it 
is a kairos moment and you will be a partaker in My glory and kingdom 

Yes dear one, I will come to you as I say and you will feel My flow. I 
have already chosen you to join with Me in flight and will show you 
great and mighty things to come. 

Do not be discouraged or in dismay, for My plan is perfect. Yes, I will 
chart your course and you will fly in unison right beside Me. 

Colossians 1:16
   For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible 
   and invisible, everything got started in Him and finds its purpose 
   in Him.