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Date: September 16, 2010

This word is submitted by Debbie Kamphuis [debbie2002_3@yahoo.ca] 


                           I Will Answer

You know the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking to devour. You also 
know My Strength, for when you have prayed in faith, believing, and 
you have known My power at work. 

Trust in Me know in this simple child-like way. The path before you may 
seem dark and not lit, but My word is a light to your path and a lamp to 
your feet. This is the time to draw upon My word. Draw from knowing that
I have taken you this far and, I will not leave you now! 

Call upon Me--each day, each hour. Every minute and every second that 
tics on the clock of finite time draws your attention to Me. Know that 
I created time, and your times are in My Hands. Know that I will give 
you plenty opportunity to know My strength in your weaknesses.

This is a time of darkness, yes. But know that many will say that it is 
not dark, that the path is not hard, or that the way is not strewn with 
many dangers. Beloved, I say that in this world, you WILL have 
tribulation--but fear not! I am with you and My word is within you. My 
Spirit is within you. You are hid with Jesus Christ in Me. I am 
calling you to walk in the midst of the darkness as a light! As salt. 

Shine Beloved of My Heart. Let the world know I am indeed with you. 
Call upon Me and I will answer!