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Date: Sep 11, 2008

This word is submitted by Laurinda van den Berg [prophet-girl@hotmail.com]


                      This Is Your Time

Routines and struggles...Rising and rushing...Running, fighting and 
silently hoping. The circumstances around you have affected you so 
and your tears are symptoms of the lie of the enemy. You feel like 
screaming, as if your life is about to self-destruct. And, if it were 
up to you, you will not be the one I have called you to be.. 

But I say to you: Let go. It's okay, I am here. Rest your head, rest 
your heart. I have a plan and I won't let you fall. If everything in 
you tells you to run away, then run to Me. I will not let the storm 
steal you from Me. 

Listen to Me and let these words sink deep and speak new life. Arise 
and shine, My glory is upon you. Don't hide anymore, let Me fight for 
you; let Me be your strength. 

You say that it's impossible, that your past is catching up with you, 
the world and circumstances that you are caught in feels so real, and 
you feel like it's slowly killing you, ripping you apart. You think 
you've let Me down and you don't know how to get up. You are frantically 
trying to get your life together, but it feels like sand slipping 
through your fingers. You say "Lord, can You deliver me from myself? 
I am my own worst enemy...have You seen, have You heard what happened. 
Please Lord, I'm losing the fight."

But I say to you: My child, I know all things. I know when your 
strength fails you, when your heart beats unbearably fast. I know when 
you struggle to breathe, feeling like the world is closing in around 
you and there's no way out. I know when you tremble. You've tried to 
be strong and you hid these things from the outside world, but I know 
that you are raw and at the end of yourself. 

Not all is as it seems. There is a higher life and there is more to 
this life than what you have known so far. Will you enter in and seek 
Me despite these things; they are insignificant and I am the voice 
that will slice through your reality. I will help you move forward 
and upward. Will you surrender and seek My face? 

Place your questions and your broken pieces in My hand, and My fire 
will consume it, and the ash will cause the ground in your life to be 
fruitful. I will make way for the new thing I am imparting to you. 
These things that hold you back have to make way for My glory. Make 
room for more of Me in your life. These things that trouble you are not
My reality. I know it feels so real, but even in this struggle, you 
cannot deny the flicker of My truth that goes against the grain and 
pulls you back every time. I have given you "bounce back power"--this 
is Christ in you, the hope of glory.  

There is a separation taking place in you--a cutting away of the things 
that you cannot take on the road ahead. So choose to believe Me, praise  
Me even if you cannot lift your hands. Only believe, I am doing a new 
thing, and you shall experience it. I will even make a way in the 
wilderness and streams in the desert. 

I am revealing to you the true meaning of My grace--you will rejoice 
when you are weak, when you do not see a way open before you, because 
you will know Me like you have not known Me before. The enemies of 
faith will fade away. This will happen if you purpose in your heart 
to move with Me in blind faith. 

Even through the tears, you have placed one foot in front of the other 
and I will sweep you up into My arms equip you--not to walk, or crawl--
but to run. And like a deer's feet, you will safely tread over the 
high places and the mountains. 

Choose life, choose My promises, surrender to the burden that the Holy 
Spirit is laying upon you. He is guiding your steps. Lift up your head 
and turn your eyes and ears towards Me. There is a refreshing wind in 
the Spirit that cools the heat of the battle and clears the debris, 
drying your tears. The anointing breaks the yoke. My provision is here, 
the road is open before you. 

I am with you, move in My favor. Be filled with all of Me, focus on 
Me, and I will bring the promises to pass. I am watching over My word 
to perform it. I am ripping out the weeds that have cluttered your life 
and left you hopeless and tired, and confused. I know you from the 
inside out and I will not leave you desperate and comfortless. You will 
find yourself in Me, for the old is passing away and behold, I make all 
things new. My blood has purchased you and I am wiping the slate clean. 
Yes, I am redeeming your life from destruction. 

If you look at yourself or others or circumstances around you, you will 
bump your foot against a rock. But come and learn from Me in the secret 
place. I am your very present help in time of need. I have invested in 
you over a long period of time, and there are things in you that need to 
be unlocked.

I have given you all that you need to be more than a conqueror and do 
valiantly, because I am your exceedingly great reward. Fresh rain is 
coming down and watering the seeds that have been sown in your life. 
I am unlocking the potential, and this seed is sprouting already. My 
heart, My word, the knowledge of Me and understanding--all of this is 
being revealed, stirred, awakened. 

I will not hide My glory from you and you will know that I am closer 
than a friend; My blood runs through your veins. Whatever has happened, 
whatever has been thrown against you, I will turn it around for good 
and a mighty testimony will be on your lips. These things that have 
happened have only shocked My life into you--not so that you can die, 
but that you can really, truly live. As you know Me, you will know life. 

The enemy's arrows will fall from you as if there is an invisible 
shield. Frustration and confusion will move to the camps of the enemy 
and you will have peace, joy, insight, foresight, revelation and 
understanding in the knowledge of Me. If you abide in Me, you will bear 
much fruit, because I have pruned you with love and I was there every 
step of the way--even if you did not know it. You have been separated, 
sanctified and purified for My glory. 

I will meet with you in wonderful, unexpected and exciting ways... 
I am singing songs of deliverance over you and placing My heart in you. 
I am calling things that are not as though they are, and I am clothing 
you with My garments. I am adorning you with My likeness and thoughts. 
I will cling to You and you will be a sweet aroma that draws the lost 
and awakens life and truth and a hunger for Me in this world and this 
aroma will fill Heaven.

My children, you are the ones in whom I will delight; men and women that 
I can trust. I am drawing you towards destiny, obedience, and purpose. 
I am excited--I know the plans I have for you, and I desire to pour out 
My Spirit upon you in an endless supply.

You are an extension of My heart, My hand, My feet, My ambassadors, My 
voice to a dying world. So know that I have by no means forgotten you, 
I am actively at work in you for My good pleasure. I have been at work 
in you to the finest detail. 

This is the time to reap, there is a quickening, an acceleration in My 
Spirit to do a mighty work in and out of season. I examine My people's 
hearts. I have ordered your steps, and I delight in your way. The 
righteous will not be moved, they will not be forsaken, so arise and 
change the spiritual atmosphere around your homes, your workplace, your 
situations. Do this in fervent prayer as you bow your hearts before Me. 

In Me is rest, a peace that the world does not know and solutions to 
everything you face. Take My hand and I will show you that even if you 
are up against a wall, there is a crack that I have provided. It is big 
enough for you to safely go through. This is your time, so follow Me.