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Date: Aug 13, 2007

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                         Desert Solace

Dear child, I know that there are times when it feels like I am very far
away. But the truth is that I have never left you, nor will I ever do so. 
I am always with you. I live inside of you; I walk by your side, and I
remain close to you at al times. I cannot leave you or abandon you--it is 
not in My nature to do so. 

The heavens may feel like brass to you at times. But dear one, I am
watching you closely, and I hear every prayer--even the ones you whisper
to Me in silence. Nothing can separate you from My love and nothing can
take My attention off of you. You may feel as though you are alone and
abandoned, but you are not. I am here with you and I will not leave you.

Let Me explain to you what has really happened: your spiritual senses 
have temporarily dulled, so that you are not able to perceive the reality 
of My presence with you. That is why faith is so very important. I want 
you to trust Me, that I would keep My word and never leave you--not even 
when it feels like I am very distant. 

Do not fret, little one, for I wall awake those senses once again. I 
will saturate you with My presence and I will allow you to perceive My
nearness. I will encapsulate you in My love and allow you to know My
pleasure upon you. Be patient and know that I am good. Know that I am 
One Who does not abandon My own or turn My back on them.

Dear one, the desert times must come into your life. It is not to punish 
you, but so that you may grow and be perfected in Me. Even My Son, Jesus,
was lead into the desert just after He was baptized, so that He might be
tested. But when He came out of the desert, having passed His test, then
He was able to move in a greater measure of My power and anointing. He
was able to accomplish My will and nothing could hinder Him in this.
Yes, dear one, even your Lord Jesus Christ had to be tempered in the 

Likewise, you also must be tested at certain times in your growth 
process. How can you learn to stand when you are being held tightly in 
My arms? How can you learn to walk in faith if you are always saturated 
by a sense of My nearness? How can you have an assurance of My love and 
acceptance when there is nothing in your life to test you in this area?

Stand firm, dear one, in your desert times. Know that they are but a 
season and that they shall pass. Remind yourself that I lead you into 
the desert for a purpose and a plan. It is to cause your faith to grow 
and to strengthen and mature your character. Keep your focus on Me, even 
when I feel distant. Let your faith arise, so that you know I am really 
right there beside you, and that My hand remains upon you. 

Remind yourself often of the prize that you will obtain when you have 
passed through this desert and walked out the other side of it. Then 
you will possess an increased ability to sense My nearness, and you will 
grow in your intimacy with Me. Then I will be able to trust you with
greater measures of My power and anointing, and you will see an increase
of My glory manifested in your day to day life.

Dear child, do not despise your desert times, for it is those times 
that your faith will grow. There are times when you must pass through 
the desert in order to arrive at the base of the Mountain Of My Presence,
where you will see My manifest glory. 

It does not matter how alone you feel in the desert, I will not leave 
you or abandon you. I walk beside you step by step. It may feel like I 
am far away from you, but I am not. I am right here, next to you, and I 
have not stopped loving you or caring for you. Trust Me, dear one, in 
those desert times, and you will not be disappointed.