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Date: Aug 4, 2005

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire (CMondesire@aol.com)


                  Possess The Land

I will give you the fruit of the land if you ask.  Hold on to the promises,
for every one will be fulfilled.  The enemy's yoke has been broken and
you have been established.

You will be sent, so go where I send you.  I am giving you a new heart that
is capable of carrying more of My love. My yoke is upon you.  I will guide 
you, so don't take your eyes off Me.  I will lead you in the direction you 
must go.  I Am re-kindling your passion for Me.  You will burn hot as never 

Be obedient to the call and be obedient to My word.  Take the word of God 
to the people -- open your heart and love them.  Help them.  Teach them how 
to read, write, sew and plant.  Teach them how to care for their children.
Teach them how to eat healthy.  My people need you, and they need the talents 
that I have given you.  So be bold and walk in love.  Dedicate your life to 
Me.  Sing to Me, I love to hear you sing to Me.  

I love you, My children, don't be afraid to go!