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Date: August 1, 2003

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                            Do Not Doubt

There is something I want to tell you.  You have doubts about changes that
are coming your way.  You have doubts about various offers that are being
made to you.  All good things come from Me.  Do not turn away from others
that reach out to you because I have sent them your way for a reason.  All
good things come from Me and if it is good, know that it is Me.  My peace
will fill you.  Only the enemy will try to deceive you and make you doubt.
Do not listen.  Listen to Me.

There is something I want to remind you of.  Remember that what the enemy
means for evil, I will turn to good.  I will leave no stone unturned.  I
will reveal all that he has done, I will bring it all into the open.  Do not
be surprised then at the changes that are coming.  It is the time for
change.  It is the time to stand up.  It is the time to stand and be
delivered from the chaos that has abounded.  The storm will quiet now.  My
hand has been on this situation in your life, My breath has sustained you 
My word has strengthened you, now watch My hand turn things around.

I will turn to good that which was meant for bad.  Let me tell you about
this time.  It is a time of change.  Great change.  It is a time for
shackles to fall loose completely.  It is a time of freedom and peace.  It
is a time of warmth and joy.  A time of restoration.  A time of plenty.  A
good and satisfying time.  A time of laughter and not of tears.  A time of
reaping what you have sewn through the long and hot years.  Reaping that
which was sewn in tears.  Reaping that which was sewn in private.  Reaping
the rewards.  I have seen, I have heard and I have worked where you could
not see Me.  I was involved when you never thought I was.  Now you will see
all that has been taking place as you wept, as you prayed, as you called
upon your El Shaddai.  Here I am.  I stand with you.

Remember this, for each day now will be different, filled with new and good
things.  Remember, that which is good is from Me.  I have always had a plan
for you.  A wonderful and beautiful plan.  Do not doubt now.  Trust in Me.