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Date: July 29, 2003

This word is submitted by Musa Opiyo (mannaword@excite.com)


                          Learn To Trust Me

Beloved know this, I have not left you alone. I have personally promised 
to be with you and to guide you. Yes, I know your weak points. I know there 
is a certain time when if it is taken too far, you might 'lose it', but My 
beloved, My timing and My knowledge of you is perfect. I know your uprising 
and your sitting down. I discern your thoughts afar off. Every hair on your 
head is counted, and I know best what will take you from being where you 
are to being victorious in all you do and that you will be a blessing to 
others by your testimony of what you have gone through. My ways are higher 
than your ways, My thoughts are higher than yours. 

Learn to trust Me even when your intellect tells you there's no way.  Do 
not bow down to fear and condemnation, but like the three Hebrew children,
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, say 'We do not know whether our God will 
save us.  But whether He does or not, we will not bow down and worship 
your idols.' 

My beloved I am with you.  Never doubt My promise that I will never leave 
you nor forsake you. Though you walk through the valley of the shadow of 
death, you will fear no evil, for I am with you, My rod and My staff, they 
comfort you. Now put your trust in Me. Even though you do not see the end 
of your trial, but know that in the eye of the storm, I am here right by 
you, changing you, perfecting your faith, changing you from glory to 
greater glory. 

Keep your eyes focused on Me. Do not allow the wind and the waves to steal 
your attention. For I have given My angels charge over you. Fear not. For 
the Lord thy God is with you.