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Date: Jul 10, 2002

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                             Loving Father

I am a loving father.  Many of you do not understand what that means.
A loving father is one who provides for their children the things they
need.  But a loving father does not give into every whim of their child,
to spoil them.  A loving father teaches this children the way to live
and act and think.  A loving father brings correction when the child
wanders into error, that the child be set again on the right path.  
A loving father spends time with his children and listen to them and 
talks to them. Yet at times, a loving father must force the child to
stand on their own two feet, to face situations and to learn how to
handle them correctly.

Child of Mine, do not mistake My love for you.  Do not fret that I do
not love you in those times when I bring correction.  For I correct you
that you might be perfected.  My heart is not to punish, it is not to 
harm, it is not to cause pain.  It is to purify and to cause you to 
excell in the things I have called you to do.  Do not fear My correction,
for I stay unto you, My correction is a good thing for your benefit.
For I correct those who I love and I cause them to walk in My pathes. 

Do not fret when I withdraw the sense of My presence from you for a 
short season.  I am teaching you to stand in faith.  For without faith,
you cannot please Me.  You cannot have faith if you get instant answers
to all of your requests, for there is no faith in the having.  Faith is
trusting Me to provide when I have not yet provided.  You put your
confidence in My nature and in My goodness instead of in the circumstances
that surround you.  And faith is knowing that I love you even when you
do not feel My presence surrounding you.  It is believing Me when I
said, "I will never leave you and I will never forsake you."  Child of
Mine, know that I am faithful.  Know that I will keep My promises to you.
How can I let you stand in faith if I do not put you into faith-producing
situations?  Child of Mine, it is because of My great love for you that
I allow you to enter situations that yeild faith.  Do not think that I
do not love you.  Rather know that because I am a loving Father, I 
permit you to stand on your own two feet in faith from time to time, that
you might be mature and strong in Me.

Rest assured, Child of Mine, that I love you and I care for you and I will
take care of you.  Rest assured that I will guide you, that I will show
you when you are wandering off of the path I have chosen for you.  Rest
assured that it is My heart and My desire to give good gifts to My 
children.. and you are Mine.  My plans for you are good.  I desire that your
joy be full.  Know that I am trustworthy and that I am on your side. Know
that I will cause you to grow and mature in Me, to be refined and that
I will cause you to shine with My radience.  I will work My glory in you.
I will draw you close and I will manifest My love to you.  I am your
loving Father and My heart towards you is good.