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Date: Jul 8, 2004

This word is submitted by Bob Pearson (pearsonj@powerup.com.au)


                 	A Bend In The Road

A personal word from the Lord to those who have encountered a "bend in 
the road." The Lord would say to you:

"I remind you that I am your God. You are mine. You are Mine and I am 

"As you have faced dislocation with all its challenges and trials you 
should know that not all trials are of My doing. There is opposition in 
this world to My plans for My people, opposition from the god of this 
world and the way he influences the decisions of man. What has happened 
to you is not of your doing; nor is it of Mine.

"Do not regard what has happened to you as an indication that you no 
longer have My favor. I love you and I have a destiny for you. I know 
your past. I know your present. I know your future.

"How you respond to the bend in the road is what enables Me to keep 
you on the road and be with you on the road. As you seek My face, I will 
help you understand. As you acknowledge Me, I will direct your steps. As 
you seek to serve Me with all your heart, I will open doors, short-term 
and longer-term, that will keep you moving in the direction to which I 
have called you.

"It is natural for you to question trials that come your way. I counsel 
you to confirm your complete faith in Me as the God who holds you in 
the hollow of His hand. As you keep looking to Me, I will turn that which 
has befallen you to good. This is what it means that I am in control.  
'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love 
Him, who have been called according to His purpose.'

"Be patient. I will look after your needs. Be open to Me, and I will 
open doors for you. You will come to know Me more deeply as you respond 
to Me in faith. I have never left you and never will. I am your God and 
you are Mine."