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Date: June 25, 2009

This word is submitted by Hui Cai [faith_cai@yahoo.com]


                         No Greater Love

My precious Child, do you feel the intensity of My love for you? It 
burns within you because I have filled you with the power of My Holy 
Spirit, which wells up within you. But My question for you is: Is My 
love sufficient for you? Are you able to fully grasp the intensity 
of My love for you? 

It is a love so great it caused Me to leave My heavenly throne so 
that I could experience the humanity and humility of man. It is a 
love so great it caused Me to hang on a tree to pay for your 
redemption. Oh how deep, how wide, how great is My everlasting love 
for you, oh Child of Mine. How I long to display My love for you to 
the world, oh sweet Child of Mine. Will you allow Me to display My 
love for you to the world? 

I want to be your everything, for I have created you and I have caused
you to be adopted into My family. I want to be your Husband, I want to 
be your identity. Will you forsake the idols of this world, so that 
your greatest lover may radiate through you? Will you make yourself 
completely dependent and sufficient upon all that I am, so that My 
image will become your identity? Will you allow the impression of 
My glory to shine forth from your face so that all who see you will 
see Me and My immense love for you? 

Yes I know that you seek to glorify Me in all that you do, but I will
be most glorified when you receive the outpouring of My love upon your
life. Receive Child...soak up all that I desire to lavish upon you. 
Just as the Father and Son continuously exchange a love beyond 
comprehension, let you and I show the world a love beyond comprehension.
Let Me love upon you without limit, and let you receive My love without
limit so that all who see your joy and fullness will come to desire a 
love beyond all worldly limitations. 

Open your heart, child. Open your Spirit, Child. Open wide your mind,
My beloved, for your Maker is your Husband and He desires to lavish 
you with unconditional and unadulterated love. Taste and be filled with 
all I have to offer you.