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Date: June 22, 2009
This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]
The Truth
"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are
in Christ Jesus,[a] who do not walk according to the flesh,
but according to the Spirit." -- Romans 8:1
Dear one, why are you so quick to condemn yourself when I have not
condemned you? Have you forgotten what My Son purchased for you on
Calvary? Do you think that His sacrifice has somehow lost its power?
Or do you think that you have somehow become exempt from My grace
that was so freely given to you when you believed?
Dear one, I have said in My word that I will not condemn you. I am
not a liar, and I always do what I say I will do. In this case, I
have said that condemnation has no part in you, and it has no
power over you. This is not because of yourself or because of your
behavior--it is because My Son paid the penalty for you on Calvary.
His payment was applied to your account when you believed in Him,
when you received Him as your Lord.
The enemy of your soul would try to condemn you, but he has no power
to do so--for My power is much greater than his. Since your accuser
cannot condemn you, he will use a strategy of deception and lies
against you. That comes naturally to him because he is a liar and
the father of lies, and the truth is not in him. He would tell you
that I am so disappointed with you when you stumble that I have
become disgusted with you. He will tell you that you are too flawed
for Me to love. He will tell you that you have managed to disqualify
yourself from the calling and destiny that I choose for you even
before you were born.
His lies may feel true to you, but they are not. They are lies, and
they only have power over you when you choose to believe them. Even
then, his lies cannot separate you from My love, nor can they keep
Me from moving on your behalf for good in your life.
The truth is that I am love, and that I love you. I have adopted you
into My family and I will never push you away or disown you. You are
Mine, dear one, and you were purchased at a very great price. I have
broken the enemy's power over you and there is no condemnation in Me
towards you.