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Date: June 15, 2009

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                     Store Up Heavenly Treasures

Dear one, your time on earth is short compared to your time in eternity,
so spend it well. What you don't realize is that what you do here 
effects your relationship with Me in eternity, and the choices that you
make here will have an effect on your position in Heaven. My Son has
said that He is coming quickly and that His reward is with Him. He will 
give that reward to each of you according to your works on this earth,
and according to how deeply you have entered into a love relationship 
with Me.

Do not fear His coming, for once you have believed in My Son, your 
eternal future is secure. Yes, you will one day be with Me in Heaven. 
But, dear one, after you arrive Heaven, you will be given a destiny and 
an assignment there, just as you had one upon this earth. Your eternal
destiny is not based on whether or not your believed in the name of My
Son; it is based on how you responded to that belief while you walked 
upon this earth.

Yes, a part of your reward is your assignment and your position in
Heaven, and it is based on how much you loved your God and upon how
much you obeyed Him. When you stand before My Son in eternity, He will
evaluate how much Lordship you gave to Him in your day to day life. He 
will consider what percentage of time you spent pursuing your will 
and your agenda as opposed to what percentage you spent pursuing Mine.
He will look at how much you allowed your faith to grow, trusting Him
to be faithful and choosing to believe what He said to you. He consider
how well you came to know your God and how closely you have walked with

Dear one, when My Son walked upon this earth, He did only what I was 
doing and He said only what I was saying. As a result, I was well 
pleased with Him. If you want to please Me, then imitate His example, 
and give a greater priority to My ways and to My agenda. Choose to 
live in obedience to My word, and choose to demonstrate your love to 
Me by obeying what I have said to you. Choose to embrace My agenda and
chose to walk in My ways. Choose to spend time in prayer and worship.
Choose to know Me--for if you pursue Me with all of your heart, I will 
surely reveal Myself to you.

Do not put all of your concern on the things of this world, but prepare
also for the world that is to come. Do not store up your treasures in
earthly storehouses where the moth and rust destroy, and where thieves
break in and steal. No, do not worry about the material rewards of
this kingdom, and do not put the majority of your effort into pursuing 
them. Instead, trust that I will take care of your daily needs because 
I am your loving Father. Yes, I am faithful to take good care of you, 
for you are My child and you are precious to Me. 

Store up your treasures in Heaven where they will serve you for all 
of eternity. Pursue Me, dear one, for I am the pearl of great price and 
I am the greatest treasure you will ever find. I possess all things, so
when you have Me, you have more than you can ever need--both in this
life and in the one to come.  

Pursue Me, dear one, that you might store up heavenly treasures for 
yourself. Yes, pursue Me diligently, and you will indeed find Me.