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Date: June 11, 2007
This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]
You Are My Representative
Child of Mine, I chose you as My representative on the day that you
believed in My Son, and received Him as your Lord and Savior. At that
time, you were commissioned into My army and I placed My seal upon you.
At that moment, I set a plan in place for you--a plan of how I would
enable and empower you to glorify My name and to accomplish My purpose.
Just as My Son chose you as His witness; I have also commissioned you
as Mine.
Don't you realize that you were chosen before you lifted a single finger
in obedience to even one of My commands? I did not choose you because
of you did for Me, I chose you because you believed. I set you in place
and I put My signet upon you--and I did that before I started to
transform you. At the moment that you received My Son, I equipped you
with My indwelling Holy Spirit. It was not your personality or your
skills or your ability that qualified you to be My witness. No, it was
never about you. The reason you became qualified to be My witness was
because of the Holy presence that I placed within you, and He will help
you to be an effective witness for Me as you live your day-to-day life
in their presence.
I considered you My representative back when you were first saved. Can
you see how much more I qualified I consider you now? You have been
walking in My ways for some time; you have been getting to know Me better
and you learning My ways. I have been actively at work in your life,
training you and equipping you for that which I have called you to do.
Yes, I have set you in place as My witness, and I am showing My glory
through you.
The enemy of your soul would tell you that you are not qualified to
represent Me. He would say that you are not holy enough, or that you are
not mature enough--because you are not perfected yet. But I do not
require that you be fully perfected before you can be My witness.
Rather, I put your life on display so that the lost may see how I
change and transform you from within, and how I strengthen you and
comfort you in your times of difficulty.
Do you remember when My Son spoke with the woman at the well? She was
living in overt sin at the moment that My Son spoke to her. He showed
her Who He was, then he sent her back to her community as His witness.
Her character had not yet been transformed and matured. She was still
a divorcee living in sin with another man. By all the worlds standards,
she would not be considered qualified. But she had the one qualification
that mattered--she had seen and experienced My Son, and she could tell
others about that experience. My Spirit was upon her as she spoke her
words, even though she did not realize it. And He was at work in the
hearts of those who she witnessed to, causing her words to send them
seeking My Son. As a result, her whole village came to Jesus and believed
in Him.
Dear child, the enemy of your soul would try to use false accusation
and condemnation against you, in order to prevent you from doing what I
have called you to do. He wants you to feel unworthy of your commission,
in hopes that you might resign it. But it is not your skill or your
maturity or your holiness that makes you qualified to be My witness--it
is the encounter that you have had with My Son. Yes, I consider you
qualified as My witness because of that, and I will not disqualify you.
Do not pay heed to the enemy's strategies, for they designed to shame
you into silence. Do not be silent and do not be afraid, share My truth
with those around you. I have called you to be My witness; I have chosen
you and I am equipping you for that task; My spirit is at work in you.
Live for Me and allow My glory to shine forth from your life, so that the
lost might come to know Me. Yes, dear one, You are My witness.