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Date: Jun 10, 2004

This word is submitted by Carolyn Spears (cpryr@hotmail.com)


                         Stand Still

My children, My beloved, arise and stand still before Me, for I would tell 
you that I need you to stand still, stand tall, stand alone before Me. Each 
of you must come before Me in this life as well as the next. The times and 
this world would have you going to and fro and focusing on everything but 
Me, and yet I say stand still and know that I am Lord! Stand still and close 
your eyes, your ears, your heart to all but Me. I am calling to you to focus 
in on Me for I desire to reveal Myself to you in a way you have yet to know. 
You have sought and you continue to seek in ways that will not find Me for I 
am desiring to reveal to you Myself one on one...I in you, you in Me...as 
I am in the Father and the Father in Me...one in three, three in one...so 
too I in you and you in Me...a connection that nothing can come between. 
Look with your heart...look with your spirit and not the natural for I would 
reveal to you in a way unexplainable to the natural senses or to those in 
the world. You think Me far off to be pursued with natural effort but I tell 
you it is not flesh that will find Me but obedience unto My Spirit that will 
find Me. You will find that though you thought Me afar off, I am but a breath 
away, a glance, a stillness of heart. Look up now for you will see that My 
face is turned towards you and My gaze has fallen upon you in a sweet 
embrace and thought towards you that is not known to all...Know My love, My 
embrace, My joy, My peace, My overall protection and kingship...