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Date: June 8, 2010

This word is submitted by Israel Froess [israelfroess@gmail.com]


	[Admin note: This word is for those who've been feeling 
		     'far from God' or feeling like they've
		     'lost their fire.' ]

                          Fuel the Fire

Awake! Awake! Child of the most High God. For darkness is around, and 
the night season has fallen. But this is not the time to slumber, or 
allow sleep to enter your eyes.

Beloved, the lamp of My Spirit is still burning within you; it has not
yet gone out. Therefore test everything that comes your way and avoid 
every kind of evil. Only hold on to that which is good. For if you 
reject and despise My prophecies; you will quench the Spirit's fire, 
and your vision will become blinded to the hope and future I have 
planned for you.

Listen carefully for the sound of My voice child! Allow your ears to 
be attentive, in order that you may begin to recognize it again. For 
My sheep know My voice and they  follow it, they will not listen to 
another. Turn your face to heaven and answer when I call your name. Do 
not run to another, but respond with, "Speak Lord, your servant is 
listening." For I desire to tell you great and wonderful things, of 
which you could not even think or imagine.

I am the Good Shepherd dear one and I watch over you at night, therefore
I encourage you to fan the flame within you. For you are a temple of My
Spirit, and the Light of God burns within. I will not snuff out a 
smoldering wick, child, but I strongly urge you not to let the flame get 
to that point. Begin once again to exercise your faith; by allowing My 
Mighty Wind to blow on that single flame, and cause it to be a raging 
inferno of hunger and passion.

Rise up, cherished one, and allow Me to renew a right and steadfast 
spirit within you, so as to persevere and overcome. Receive My oil of 
joy to add fuel to your fire and burn away the lukewarmness, so as to 
make you a fire starter for the kingdom.

Therefore mighty warrior, arise from where you lay dormant! Arise to 
your calling, and be the light of the world!