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Date: Jun 3, 2004

This word is submitted by Bayo Omoyiola (scroll_of_david@yahoo.com)


                        Everlasting Love 

I have loved you with an everlasting love. Therefore with lovingkindness 
have I drawn you. I will be close to you and you shall harvest all that 
I've seen concerning you.  

Come unto me with a fervent heart. Come, don't be delayed.  There is a
harvest to reap. Come and be fruitful in the land of your harvest.  Come 
and reap those seeds that you've sown.  Come and be filled with My Spirit. 
Come, My children, and enter your harvest. I have waited until this time 
to tell you all I have concerning you. Come, be closer to Me and I will 
be closer to you than ever before. I will be your God and you will be My 
people.  As the harvest seeds are being spread, so you shall reap more 
and more until you come forth to be all that I've always wanted you to be.  
Come forth, for you are God's sons. You shall rule. You shall prevail and 
all shall be well with you.