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Date: April 26, 2007

This word is submitted by Steven Bliss [godsfire@woh.rr.com]


                          Your Friend

I am the Holy Spirit, your friend. I am with you, guarding you in every
step. I am directing you to the Son, your bride-groom. I'm that voice
which whispers to you. Ever-present, I am brooding over you, teaching
you the ways of your God.

I am the blowing wind and the wings of the descending dove. I show you
the way to Him. I visit you, wooing you. I speak to you and communicate
revelation in your sleep and I awaken you to a new holiness. I am like
a mighty wind and a quiet whisper. I am the bridge into the new ways of
the Father.

I am your friend. Continue to listen for Me for I am your counselor.