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Date: April 4, 2007
This word is submitted by Yolanda Ballard [roarnworship@cfl.rr.com]
Today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to reap what I have
planted in your hearts of My will and My ways. Draw close to Me in
the secret place, and I will reveal the secret things that I have held
deep in My heart until the appointed time of revelation. Draw close to
Me and be still and listen. Know that I am faithful to show you even the
hidden manna for I have seen your hearts, and I know without doubt that
you are My chosen remnant, because everything I have allowed you to go
through has brought you even closer to Me.
Many are called but few are chosen to go all the way through the
purging and the preparation to be raised up as My mighty warriors.
Now I will reveal to you the hidden strategies of the enemy for I
know all things. The enemy might think they are hidden, but I see
the plans being made, and I reveal them to My prophets so that they
can warn My people. But you need to stand strong because the battle
is intensifying. The enemy is coming on strong trying to draw you back
into areas of temptation which were once areas of weakness to you.
Many still battle in these areas thinking that they were completely
free. But I have allowed these battles to show you that you have to
lean on Me alone, that you cannot trust in your own ability to resist
these temptations in your own stamina and will power and determination
to overcome. These things are well and good, but you need more so that
you don't think you overcame in your own strength, and without knowing
it are bringing glory to yourself. Legalism is not the answer for the
letter kills, and only My grace brings life and freedom from the
snares that have held you bound.
So open up to Me so I can show you the areas in which the enemy has
you bound without you even knowing it. And I am allowing you to see
those are as you are not free in to this day by how you are responding
to the present attacks of the enemy. Know that all things work together
for your good. Even if you fall at times, I pick you back up and
strengthen you even more with less chance of you falling again. Because
each time you fall, it is because I am allowing those hidden things to
come to the surface. You cannot just suppress roots of bondage in your
life. They need to be dealt with once and for all.
Even though My Son struggled in the Garden, it was not because of
hidden bondage. It was because in all areas He was tempted because He
lived in a body of flesh like you. He walked purely without sin yet He
knew what you face each day because of your flesh. And He made the way
for you to be easily accessible. By His own struggle on the way to the
cross, He put to flight every avenue that the enemy could use to defeat
you if you walk in the path set out for you.
By My grace you have the enabling to overcome. So work with Me, My
people. Do not escape into discouragement and defeat because you feel
you are losing ground. For what are you trusting in? Is it your own
victories or in the shed blood of the Lamb? I am purging out of your
heart all that isn't of Me, wrong mind sets, even the way you look at
yourself in how well you are overcoming. I am showing you what is purely
of your own flesh and what is of My Spirit for there are many who are
just being religious in their doing good. They don't even know Me.
So trust Me, My people. Trust in the finished work at the cross for by
grace are you saved, not by anything you can boast about. I need a people
made pure by the purging of My love. I need a people who are dead so that
I can live through them. I need empty vessels that I can move through.
And I am taking away anything that will tempt you to rob Me of My glory.
Yes, this is the day of salvation. And this is the day of revelation of
the secret things of My heart, but I need to make My people ready that
they may behold My glory like never before for when I pour out My power
nothing of the flesh can stand in My way or it will be destroyed. So
that is why you experience what you are. I am exposing the hidden areas
of your heart that will hold you back and rob you and even be a danger
to you. For I am your loving Father and who I love I scourge and chastise
and purge and purify.
Behold the glory of the Lamb who for the joy set before Him embraced
His death on the cross for He beheld the all encompassing vision of
His bride being brought to perfection that they may be one with Him.
For the joy s et before Him, He laid down His life for His beloved. For
He is the one t rue God and nothing can ever take His place. Embrace Him,
ravish Him, lay down your life before Him, and say this is the day I
choose life and that abundantly.