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Date: Mar 14, 2003

This word is submitted by Daniel Day (emdddd@earthlink.net)


                        Learning To Wait

Many do not understand what it means to wait upon God.  They see part of 
My truth but never fully understand the direction they must go.  Hidden 
lies and weakness in the body of Christ stop you from drawing closer to 
My love.  Never have I stopped loving you.  There were many times when 
silence was due.  But understand that in the coming months many changes 
will come.  Some for the better and some for the worse.  Those who have 
the courage to survive the tests will be justified in the end.  This is 
the time of the quickening of the body of Christ.  Draw near to Me those 
who have fallen away.  I will give you My comfort and peace.  I will 
give you rivers of living water to drink.  And My water shall satisfy 
your thirst.  Believe what you cannot see, for your righteousness comes 
from Me. 

Satan is a liar and is trying to weaken the flock, Waiting in the wings 
to sift you like sand.   My people are strong because of My love. Never 
doubt My love for you.   I grant you every new day.  Take peace in the 
fact that I do care for you.  The road may seem hard to find but it lies 
hidden in sight.  You must reach beyond what you can see.  The eyes of 
man have long since forgotten the ways of My word.  All that I have 
promised I will do.  You are the one who chose to do the many things you 
have done.  I never made you go into debt or leave your wife.  I never 
made you commit those many sins you have committed.  But I stand ready to 
share grace and forgiveness.  For it is you who must decide to stop 
listening to the lies that are told.   Wake up church before it's too 
late.  Examine yourselves according to My word.  That which is not of Me 
shall be purged.  You shall be like unto gold tried in the true fire.  
Able to withstand every attack of the enemy.