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Date: Mar 10, 2003

This word is submitted by  Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                    Your Deliverance Draweth Neigh

Child of Mine, why do you find it hard to believe that I desire to set you 
free from the things that oppress you and hold you in captivity?

I say to you child, I came to set you free.  There has been a transfer of 
ownership. The keys of death and Hades are Mine -- I hold them now.  
In the past, these keys were used by the enemy of your souls to enslave 
mankind.  But now these keys are used to set people free from the enemy's 

I have called you to walk in freedom and victory.  My plans for you are
that you walk in victory and stand firm as an overcomer.  My desire is that 
you triumph and show forth God's glory in all situations.

And yet so many of My children are willing to simply lay down before the
oppressor and let him trample on them. They do not realize that I have given
them authority and that I have empowered them to overcome.  I have 
commissioned you into My army.  I have equipped you with the armor of God
and with every spiritual gift that you need.  I have given you the power
and authority to fight back and to take back your promised land.  I have
given you My promise, and as you go forth to claim it, I will go with you
and I will back you up.

Child of mine, rally yourself.  Shake off the dust and rise up.  For I have
given you the victory, but you must fight to claim it.  Just as the children
of Israel had to fight to possess their promised land, so you must fight for 
My promises.  You must hold on to them.   Pray and intercede. Stand firm in 
faith.  Call out to Me to assist you in the battle  and watch what I will do. 
I will make a way for you where there was no way, just as I opened the 
waters before the children of Israel that they might cross over on dry land.  
I will provide supernaturally for you.  I will set you free from the 
oppression of the enemy as you rise up in faith with Me.  for I have come
that you might have abundant life and I have come that you might walk in 
My freedom and liberty.

Do not think it strange that I desire to set you free for the things that 
oppress you and hold you in captivity?  Do not be surprised that I desire
to give you My victory.  For I hold you in the palm of My hand and I will
cause My name to be glorified through you.  I am with you and I will be
mighty on your behalf.  Your deliverance draweth neigh.