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Date: Mar 7, 2005

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis (ts@godspeak.org)


                       More Than A Conqueror 

Child, I have been working in your life behind the scenes for a long time
now.  You have not always been aware of My hand upon you, causing you to 
grow and mature, but it is always there.  

Child, I am the God who transforms you.  I love you too much to leave you 
in the bondage and brokenness of the flesh or in the oppression of sin.  
That is why I am constantly at work in you.  I want to change your thinking 
and your desires to better line up with My own, and I want to give you 
victory over all of the things that beset or waylay you.  Child, I desire 
to transform you into the image of My Son; that is why I have put My Holy
Spirit within you.  I will never leave you or abandon you or give up on you.  
I will never become so frustrated with you that I take My Spirit away from 
you.  I am committed to this process of transforming you and setting you in 
a place of victory and joy.  I have called you to be more than a conqueror 
through My Son, and I will continue to work in your life towards that goal 
until we accomplish it together.

Child, there are times when I cause issues and weaknesses to come to the
surface, so that I might remove them from your life.  Do not be quick to
blame the devil when I do this, and do not resist Me when I am attempting 
to transform an area of your life.  

I know it is painful for you to look at those areas of failure where you 
do not measure up, where you experience pain.  But I am the God of truth 
and of light.  I cannot pretend that the darkness does not exist in you.  
Instead, I shine My light into that darkness, in order that I might dispel 
it.  I bring it to the surface and expose it because I want to remove it 
from you.  So do not be disheartened when I am at work in you, and do not 
be afraid of My hand upon you. I know you feel dirty and incomplete as I 
expose the weaknesses and bondages and sins in your life.  But do not be 
afraid of Me when I do this, and do not run from Me.  

I am not exposing these things to judge you or to condemn you and I do not 
see you as a failure.  Child, I am only exposing these things so that I 
might transform them and remove them from your life.  When I look at you, 
I do not see you as a flawed work-in-process.  I am the God who is in all 
times at once, and I can see your past and present and future all at the
same time. And child, I look at you as the person who you will become in 
Me as I transform you. And I delight in who you are becoming.

Child I love you and I am at work in you.  I have ordained you to be more 
than a conqueror in Me.  That is why I am exposing and removing the things 
that hold you back from this victory.  Do not be afraid, I will not give 
up on you.  I will heal your pain and I will wash away your failures and I 
will bring you to the full stature of My son.  Child, I know this process 
can be painful, but I am not against you when I do this work in your life.  
I am for you and I am on your side and I will work all of these things to 
My glory.  I am in the process of giving you the victory.  I will make you 
a conqueror over all of the things that currently rule over you.

Take My hand, child and rest it Me.  Trust Me and fear not. I am with you
and I will work My glory in your life.