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Date: Mar 5, 2004

This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)


                       The Old Car

I had a vision of a car. It was very old and dented and the paint was very
faded. The tires were flat and it had not been used or useful for a long
time. As I looked at the car it suddenly changed and was sparkling. The
dents were all gone, the tires were new and there was not a scratch on it.
Then I heard the engine and it was a powerful and strong sound. Then the
Lord laid this in my heart:

I do not see what you see and I do not have the understanding that you have.
I see what you will be in My name and with My hand. I see what I will
bring forth, and not what is broken. Nothing is so damaged that I cannot
renew it. No sin has been committed that I will not forgive, and there is
nothing in you that is useless. I am the creator of all things. Do you see
anything that I have created that is useless and of no value? Do you see
the sun and the moon and hear the power of the winds? Do you see the
fragile flower in a field? My hand has created these things and My hand
has created you.

I will bring out of you more than you can see now. I will dig deep, and
there are treasures within you that are precious and beautiful in My sight.
Man may scorn and laugh at you, but take no heed, for I have brought you
here for a purpose and a wonderful reason. You are precious. You are
loved. You are always in My sight and in a moment, in the twinkling of an
eye, you will be renewed and restored. I will bless you, I will keep you, I
will protect you and I will walk with you. Listen to My voice, I am the
good Shepherd and I do not lie, I do not mock, I do not scorn. I am filled
with love and kindness and I have good things prepared for you. You will
come forth from the valley and enter into a time of rest. A time of peace.
A time of restoration. Then shall I send you forth in power and in might,
to work and to walk in My name, clothed in new robes of righteousness and
splendor, to touch the lives of those that do not know My name, that have
not tasted of My love. You shall make Me known in the east and the west,
you shall declare My love in the south and the north and I shall walk with
you and be at your side. Do not fear that time and do not look back and see
what you were, but see what I see, My precious child that is loved by your