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Date: Feb 19, 2007

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net]


                    Do You Really Love Me?

I am looking for obedient servants through whom I can pour out My
glory, and through whom I can accomplish My purposes on this earth.

I do not want the type of obedience that is motivated by fear of
punishment, for that type of obedience is stagnant and legalistic.
I want the type of obedience that is motivated solely by your great
love for Me. Yes, I want you to covenant in your heart to obey Me
because you love Me.

Dear one, it causes Me great pleasure when you obey Me joyfully from
a willing heart. That is the type of obedience that I am looking for.
But it does not bring Me pleasure if you obey only out of a sense of
duty, or with a resentful heart. That is not the type of obedience
that I reward. I don't just want you to obey Me only in your words
and actions: I also want you to obey Me with a willing heart. I want
you to have a good attitude before Me as you do what I ask you to do.

If it seems like I am asking a great deal from you, that means you are
not obeying Me from a heart that is full of love for Me. For when you
have great love for Me, there is nothing that I can ask that you are
unwilling to do--you desire to make Me happy because you love Me so
much. When you have this attitude of loving obedience, then I can ask
the impossible of you and empower you to do it--and I will. Then you
will be able to do the very things that I did on this earth and even
greater things than I did.*

Yes, I want to pour out My power and My glory in your life. I want to
give you a greater victory than you have ever tasted before, and I want
to clothe you in My own great authority. But I cannot do these things
for you when you pursue your own agenda instead of pursuing Mine. You
must obey Me with all of your heart if you want to walk in My power and
My authority, just as I obeyed My Father and walked in His authority.

What I am saying should not be a surprise to you, because I have already
told you that you must love Me with all of your heart and with all of
your soul and with all of your spirit.** This is the type of love that
causes true obedience to spring forth from your innermost being. This
is the kind of love that enables Me to empower you to do mighty works
with Me.

Demonstrate your love for Me by purposing in your heart to obey Me in
all things. Remember that I am looking for obedient servants through
whom I can show forth My glory and advance My kingdom. Will you be one
of these?  Will you purpose in your heart to obey Me in all things and
watch and see the amazing things I will do in you and through your life?

* John 14:12-15
** Mark 12:30