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Date: Feb 15, 2007

This word is submitted by Judy Bauman [rivermistlighthouse1@comcast.net]


                    I Am Calling You Higher!

Child, the sorrow of the pruning you are enduring is but for a short
time; joy comes in the morning. Know that though it is painful, it is
necessary. You are coming into a new season in Me. Think of a fruit
tree that has one branch which is growing much faster than any of the
others. The tree becomes out of balance. A branch that has had
exponential growth in comparison to the rest of the tree must be pruned
back so the rest of the branches can catch up.

This is not pruning of dead branches, though I do that; this pruning
is of a living and healthy branch which bore fruit you enjoyed. That
is why the pain is so intense, but it is not unto death. That which
has been cut away will be for My glory. There is a shock that happens
to a tree when it is pruned, and this is what you are experiencing.
But remember: The tree gets over its shock and grows to bear much more

Your branches are to bring healing to many nations. What I gave you
during the prior season will never be taken from you. I have planted
you by the living water and I want you to drink deeply during this
time of recovery. It is My desire for your roots to grow deep and
strong in Me. By My hand a lance has skillfully been cast to cut the
cords that once bound you: The ropes are no longer there! You've been
set free! Rejoice in that! Your roots are healthy and free to grow!

Learn of Me: My ways will never lead you astray. I say again, take
time to drink deep from the well of My presence. I will never turn 
you away, and I will never set a limit on how deep you can go in Me. 
You are free to go as deep as you desire.

The enemy sought to dishearten you and bring you to your knees; but
that is right where I wanted you! His desire is to see you embrace
the wounds of being cast aside--he's trying to regain entry, but I
have strengthened your heart in this past season. Your heart is
compelled to embrace My cross. That is because I have injected it
with My DNA, and you are forever changed. Because you have submitted
to Me, I have given you the wisdom to resist the enemy's deceptions.

Know that you are no longer an orphan: You are Mine. You belong to
Me! Everyone could abandon, reject and cast you aside, but My favor
and My love will always bring you back to My side where there is
fullness and life. At My side is where you can rejoice with joy
unspeakable and full of glory! You know that you belong to Me and
are a child of the King. You are heir to all I have, so walk humbly
but confidently in that truth.

Release the pain of the pruning to Me and I will rise up with healing
in My wings. I will cover you in My pinions. Come up to the cleft of
the Rock and rest in My presence. Mount up with wings as eagles. Yes,
use the wings I have given you to soar with Me. I am calling you