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Date: Feb 15, 2005

This word is submitted by James Donovan (jdono78832@aol.com)


               A Prophetic Word For England 
It is the season to get ready for harvesting, for the seeds you have  
planted are maturing. You have pressed into Me and hearkened to My 
voice, so let My oracles of life flow from your mouthgate. The seeds 
were planted and watered; now is the time of harvesting. My people 
have gone through purging and cleansing and yielding to My Spirit. I 
have brought about much change in My servants as they denied self and 
pressed into intimacy with Me.

There has been much toiling. But now is the time to reap a harvest of 
souls in England, then stretching out to other nations. You have pressed 
into Me, and drawn nigh unto Me and resisted the schemes of the enemy. 
You seek My face and build My Kingdom, not self-motivated, but yielded 
to My Spirit, moving mightily because of My intercessors who were faithful 
and pressed into the throneroom. Out of this intimacy, you shall see an 
increase of souls for My glory.

So get ready, for the river of God is going to flow through the nation 
of England. Many who are hungry for more and for change will come to 
know Me as Lord and Savior.  My Spirit is moving upon this nation; there 
shall be a mighty move of My Spirit with signs and wonders following 
like never before seen. I will move through those who hearken to My voice 
and deny self and glorify Me.  They will flow in an abundance of My 
anointing; there will be an increase in the prophetic and the supernatural 
moves of God like never before. It will effect the world.

I am breathing life into My church; I am empowering My church by My Spirit 
to go forth in My power and anointing by My Spirit. I am springing up a 
well of life flowing from willing vessels, yielding to My voice in this 
season.  Yes, to bring life to those who are hungry for Me!