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Date: Feb 4, 2005

This word is submitted by Gerdi Marais (gm@raphacareer.co.za)


                    Rest in Worship

My dear one, come to Me and see Me face to face. Don't you know that I
have created you and all around you and that I alone have the power to
transform your life & circumstances?

I alone have the power to mold, shape and change you by writing My laws
upon the tablets of your heart.

Come to Me. But in coming to Me, do not come striving. Come resting,
knowing that I love you and care for you. Come sit at My feet and let Me
empower you with everything you need for this hour.

The battle has been fierce and the enemy strong, but you are more than
an overcomer through Me that loved you first. Don't you know? Don't you
know that I have loved you with an everlasting love that will never
change?  Don't you know that no one can pull you out of My hand?  Don't
you know that I'm an everlasting Father Who will never abandon My
children?  Well dear one, know today that I am for you and not against
you. Come to Me and understand that My plans for you are good to give
you a future and a hope.

You can never earn My love -- I give it, without faultfinding and 
reproach, for I am just. My Son died for the undeserving, displaying My 
unconditional love and grace.  Love never fails, and love will never 
forsake you.

Embrace Me, embrace love, for "love embraced" will be your much needed
strength in this hour of need.

As you come into this place of worship -- resting in Me -- you will find
that truly the battle belongs to the Lord! As you worship Me in this
restful manner - with a settled heart, believing in My love, embracing
grace - I will powerfully restore everything that the enemy has stolen
or tried to steal. I will bring to pass My every promise to you. I will
take a hold of it for you and bring it to you. I am the Author and
Finisher of your faith and I will perfect everything concerning you,
finishing and accomplishing what I started and spoke concerning your
life. Therefore, draw near, rest and do not be anxious about anything. I
am the Restorer. Keep your eyes on Me and you will walk on water -- do
the impossible -- when your eyes are fixed on Me.

In this place of worship the victory is yours. In this waiting on Me
will your receive the strength, momentum, wisdom, glory & strategy to
win every battle and bring back spoils from the defeated enemy's camp.
Do not limit Me in this as I want to give you great blessing and
prosperity to establish My Kingdom & Kingdom purposes in the earth.

Look to Me. Rest in Me. I will enlarge your vision & stretch your
capacity to dream, see & do things in Me. You will hear & see & do My
will in My strength, not your own. Therefore, draw near & keep on drawing
near. In this River, the imparted seed will be watered and great fruit
will come from your life in time. Stay in the flow; rest in Me.

My thoughts are higher than yours. My vision is bigger. My resources are
never-ending. Therefore, come to Me, receive of Me the seed, the
impartation necessary to birth My purposes.

Come to Me & find true rest for your soul. Rest, I will impart. Rest, I
will guide. Rest, I will provide.