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Date: December 23, 2003

This word is submitted by Musa Opiyo (Opiyo61@aol.com)


                     The Shepherd's Voice
                    A Call To The Ministers
Come unto Me, all who have labored and are heavy laden, and I will give 
you rest. I speak to My ministers of the Word; the Lord says that you 
have been faithful in imparting to My people the Bread of My word, 
laboring in the work of the ministry to see souls saved. All this is good, 
but it is time to come apart from the cares of the world and from the 
crowds to be refreshed in My presence. Allow your strength to be 
regenerated like the eagles. Be still, and hear what My voice would say 
unto you in the present hour. Feed upon My word and allow it to dwell 
richly and abundantly in you, and like Jeremiah, My word would become 
a fire that is burning in your belly waiting to be released and imparted.
My Son regularly drew away to a quiet place by Himself to pray and seek 
My face. He was not exempt from needing His strength and direction from Me, 
yet there were many in Israel in that day that needed healing. He did only 
what He saw Me doing. Likewise, leave and commit your ministries into My 
hands. I know the times and the seasons that I will require you to speak, 
now only be faithful to draw close, be still and know that I am God. In 
this place of intimacy I will meet with you and make myself known to you. 
I will reveal to you mysteries yet to be revealed. The call has sounded 
forth. It is up to you, My ministers, to make the quality decision to 
come. I will be waiting for you, says the Lord.
Mark 6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a 
	  desert place, and rest awhile: for there were many coming 
          and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.