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Date: December 8, 2009

This word is submitted by Hui Cai [faith_cai@yahoo.com]


                   Trust in Me, My beloved Child

My Child, you were once sold into the enemy's hands, but I have saved 
and redeemed you. My love, I long for you to enjoy your new life of 
freedom in Me and with Me. 

I know your flesh longs for the life of harlotry and sin you once lived, 
but your new body and spirit cries out within you to embrace and immerse
in your true and living God. I will give you fresh and living water to 
satisfy you abundantly. But do you trust Me, that I will give you fresh 
water and living bread to fill you, to grow you, and to perfect you? 
Do you trust Me enough, My love, to forsake the stones and serpents of 
this world? These things will not satisfy your soul, heart and 
spirit; but poison it. 

Leave them behind and come away with Me, My love. For I know the plans 
I have for you...plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a 
future. But I need you to trust in Me with all your heart and all your 
mind. Do not lean on your own ways, beloved, for they will lead you 
astray--apart from My will and My perfect plans for you. 

Now is the time to break forth from your desperation, and from your 
bondages which ensnare you. 

I am your God, your way, and your life. Look to Me for all your 
fulfillments, beloved, and I will fill you until you overflow. Open 
your mouth, because not only will I fill you, but I will cause living 
water to flow from you to water the dry and weary land which 
surrounds you. Do you know that out of your heart will flow streams of 
living water? I have chosen and I have decreed that you will be My 
vessel to house my Holy Spirit and to pour out My Holy Spirit to the 

But will you trust in My provision fro you? Will you trust that My words 
which goes forth will not return back void? I love you, My beloved, and 
I will give you good, pure and genuine treasures. 

Do not scrounge through the garbage of this world to fill your appetite. 
Trust in Me and you will feed on a king's feast. You are a king's child, 
so come and take up your royal inheritance. Forsake your ways of the 
flesh which goes after the decay and demoralization of the world. Be 
lead by your Spirit, be loved Child...for all that I have are yours. My 
Son has paid the price for your redemption; He paved the path for your 
freedom and for your new life in Me. 

Trust in Me, and I will show you a better way.