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Date: November 4, 2009

This word is submitted by Claudia Mondesire [CMondesire@aol.com]


Surrender all to Me.
I Am the good Shepherd, and
I Am doing a mighty work in your life.
Stop resisting My pull;
allow Me to take you into a place of beauty.

If you let Me, 
I will penetrate that hard shell 
that you have placed over certain areas 
of your heart and mind.
I will cause you to grow and dance.

You are seeking Me with only one eye; 
the other eye is distracted by many other things.
I want your full attention.

Don't be discouraged by the things you see 
and the words of the enemy;
he comes to kill  rob still and steal your joy.

The coast is clear--
come out of hiding and be My witness.
You have My approval, 
you don't need man's approval.

There is a gateway that has been opened--
walk through!
Begin seeing all that was lost or stolen.

Do less complaining and more loving; stop the grumbling.
Use that precious time for My glory.
Don't delay--obey.
It's time to move to the next level.