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Date: Oct 31, 2007

This word is submitted by Donna Treolo [dtreolo@aol.com]


                     The Gift Of Hope

Hope is a gift I give you. It is a gift you must cherish and not lay 
down. Many times it appears as if the gift of hope has vanished from 
your hands and you are left holding dust and ashes. I would declare to 
you that the very ashes will turn into a burning hope if you will keep 
your eyes steadfast on Me and My Love for you.

In those times when hope seems gone remember I am your hope and I will 
never leave you nor forsake you. What you see as broken is your 
illusion of hope. When you hope in a future event or a person then you 
are placing your hope somewhere else other than in Me. It is only when 
you hope in Me that you will know your true destiny.

Hope is the substance and reality of  your faith in Me. When you stand 
firm in the hope that I am who I say I am. You will not falter.

Sometimes I ask that you die to your understanding of what hope is, so 
that I can give you a hope that will not perish. A hope that is 
everlasting and eternal and will fulfill My purposes in your life.

Hope springs from My wells of living water. Come to Me and I will have 
you drink deeply and freely from the depths of My hope for your life in 