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Date: Oct 15, 2008

This word is submitted by Shirley Riser [joyinthelord@wowway.com]


                           I Am Here

My child do not listen to the thunder, do not be frightened by the 
flashes of lightening and the howling wind, for I am here.

Do not focus on the storm that is swirling around you, know that I,
the great "I Am," is here to protect you.

Come, My child, dwell here in the shadow of My wings--for there is 
safety for you here in the shadow of My wings--there is refuge here
and there is protection. Though the storm swirls around you the wind 
and the rain beats relentlessly upon you, know that I am here. 

My child, focus upon Me. When Peter walked upon the water, he focused 
on Me. So focus--focus on Me and look to Me. I am the "I Am" of the 
storm. Yes, I am the eye of the storm. 

So, come rest, My child. I know you are weary, but I will carry you 
to a place of peace and rest in the eye of the storm.