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Date: Jan 28, 2002

This word is submitted by J. Conrad Lampan (revival@thesecondcall.org)



When Peter -along with the other disciples- was by the shore of Galilee
with the Lord in one of the last meetings before the Lord was taken to
heaven, he was quiet. As we read the story we can imagine him being
strangely quiet. Probably for the first time he did not want to speak,
or do anything. He probably wanted to stay hiding his shame behind a low

He that was always at the front in every situation. He that was always
ready to say something. He was the one who walked on the water with the
Lord. He that was always "on the move" now is quiet, strangely quiet.
What happened?

He had denied the Lord. 

And when he did his world came tumbling down.

And suddenly the voice of the Lord literally struck him: Peter, do you
love me? There was no doubt the Lord was addressing him: there was no
other Simon Peter there. The Lord was addressing him, and putting him in
the hard situation of having to answer, of having to make a decision.
The question required an answer.


The Lord is suddenly addressing our nations: Do you love me? United
States do you love me? United Kingdom: Do you love me? Argentina,
Germany: Do you love me?

We have denied the Lord. In one way or another we have denied the Lord.
But He is calling us again. He wants to reinstate us, like He did with

Nations that have been a blessing to many other nations. Take the USA:
probably no other nation has sent so many missionaries to the rest of
the world, but we cannot pray in public lest we offend some one. The
Lord asked: Peter, Do you love me more that these?

The United Kingdom for centuries busy in the task of evangelizing the
world. Now the churches are being transformed into pubs, or decoration
shoppes. In an effort of not offending anybody Christianity is being

We have denied the Lord. But He is giving us the opportunity of a second
call. Can we hear His voice calling: Do you love me?

Yes we are listening. Yes we hear Him calling, asking, requiring an
answer. But there is one thing still missing: what, or better yet, how
do we answer? Peter was so aware that he had denied the Lord, and more
important yet that he could do it again anytime. He did not want to jump
to the stage and perform one of his usual "bravados". He simply stayed
behind, and in humbleness answered "Lord Thou Knowest"


We are answering everywhere with the wrong words. Sometimes we sound so
self sufficient. Sometimes it seems that God has to send a revival just
because we have done the right thing, we have prayed the right prayer,
and we did all what our religious performing arts skills permit.

We have come to a point that we seem to prophecy what we want to hear,
we have the right word for every situation. Sometimes it looks like the
prophets gathered around the kings of Judah and Israel, some of us have
made some horns for ourselves in order to look more impressive.

In our efforts to bring forth revival, we have forgotten that revival
comes out of God's grace. We have developed methods to start revival, we
need to realize that a move of God begins only when God begins to move.
It is He and only He who can bring revival. All what is happening around
us is simply a call to attention, God saying: you cannot do it without


Peter had the right answer. Lord, I have denied you, and you know that I
can do it again. I realize that I cannot in my strength do what you are
asking me to. Lord, Thou Knowest.

We need to take this atittude of Peter. Which is also the atittude the
young rich man did not take. He was not willing to sell what he had.

In this second call the Lord is asking us to "go sell all what you
have...and then follow me" We need to sell all what we have built and
what we have stored, all the expertise we have acquired, and humbly come
to Him: "Lord Thou Knowest"