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Date: Jan 24, 2008

This word is submitted by Wendy Logan [nebiyah20@charter.net]


                      Winds of Revival
The winds are coming and the seasons are changing. The winds are coming 
to move and to shake those things that have been still. The winds are 
going to make some that have been so comfortable in their positions move. 
I've not called anyone to become complacent and comfortable to the point 
of dormancy.

When the winds of change come, go with the flow of My Holy Spirit. I 
am breathing new life into this place. When I breathe on My people, 
I bring fire. My breath contains life. When I blow, the glory clouds 
move down closer to you. It will be so close to you that you will 
tangibly be able to touch and feel the rain that comes from this 
glory cloud. 

Many will become uncomfortable in getting wet. Many will want to run
away for a season, and that is ok. Some aren't ready to see Heaven 
invade earth because this means that they loose control. I will bring 
those to you that will under gird you and bring forth the revival that 
you have been asking for. 

Don't turn back now. Keep walking closer to Me. Keep your eyes focused 
on Me. Don't be like the ones who have tried to turn back to the very 
place that I have brought them from. They get uncomfortable and don't 
like what they see in that natural, they try to go back. 

Don't be afraid of what this change will look like. Trust Me. It is 
time for the manifestations that I have promised you years ago to take 
place. I will do all that you have asked of Me. I will fulfill My 
promises to you. 

Prepare for what is to come. Tell My people to wake up and embrace the 
winds that are coming. If they continue to sleep, the winds will not 
disturb them but will pass right by them.

I want to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Those who are hungry will 
see it first. They will be filled and it will pour out of them first. 
The forerunners shall hunger for it and cry out for it. They shall ignite 
the fire and stir up the winds. You have asked and now it is time to 