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Date: January 21, 2010

This word is submitted by Rose Provencher [roselion@insightbb.com]


                           Holy Discontent

My heart is always to motivate you, to move you, to coax you toward 
embracing My will for you. It is so in My heart to have you here with 
Me--but until you are, I want to have you abiding in My presence.
That is My will for you; it is the very purpose for which I created 
you, to live in intimacy with Me. I want to be yours as much as you 
want to be Mine.

When you feel the discontent, it is because I am desiring more of you. 
I want more of your time, your attention, your presence and yes, your 
worship. This is not something that you have to do, but it is something 
that I want you to enjoy and take advantage of. You are not alone when
you do this, for I am very present when you turn to Me.  

Also, the discontent that you feel is because you desire this too. It 
is like a hand fitting into a glove, it completes you and I am all about
completing and perfecting you. 

Let it move you toward Me and find that discontentment be turned into
contentment. The only true contentment comes from Me and from knowing 
that you are fulfilling My will.