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Date: Jan 16, 2007

This word is submitted by Lois Solet (L_solet@yahoo.com)


                 Psalm 32

Do you see what I'm saying in Psalm 32?

You are forgiven.  Your sin is gone from My sight.  Yes, there is joy in
that!  Receive it, little one!

You are worried about your honesty with people, but your honesty is a
gift to My children.  Always walk in this truth...I will keep you out of

Remember the feelings of discipline.  Next time, (and there will be many
next times), respond to My discipline by confessing your sins--all of them.
Don't hide your guilt or hide in your guilt, but acknowledge your sin as
rebellion and receive My forgiveness.

Yes, floodwaters of judgment will come against you from My enemy, but I
give you empowering grace.  Hide in Me and worship Me with songs of worship
and praise.  It's your first defense against the one who accuses you all
day long.

I'm guiding you.  Simply stay submitted, trust Me and follow Me. Worship
with music, read My word and pray...just talk to Me and listen to what I
have to say to you.

It is up to you to stay in this place of intimacy with me.  Life will
continue to throw curve balls but you're a hitter and a winner, little
victorious one.  Keep hitting with worship, My word and prayer, and we'll
continue this dance of intimacy.  Do not let guilt separate you from Me,
for you are washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Fall on Me.  I'm here for you always...ALWAYS!  I am as desperate for you
as you think I am.  I desire to be one with you, because I love you.  I
won't ever stop reaching out My hands to hold you close and call you My