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Date: January 12, 2010

This word is submitted by Wendy Graham [wendy4c@primus.ca]


                      I Will Provide

  "Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness."
		Joshua 24:14

Throw away the God's your forefathers worshipped beyond the river and in
Egypt, and serve the Lord."

I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the same as yesterday, 
today and tomorrow. There are no other gods before Me. I chose Moses 
to lead My people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. I anointed 
him and enabled him to take on such a task. I made the impossible 
become possible when I parted the Red Sea for their safe passage.

I chose Joshua and declared him a leader for the Israelites to 
continue their journey into the Promised Land. It was I that anointed 
him for such a task and I dried up the waters of the Jordan from before 
them so they could pass over.  

Do not lack faith in My ability dear ones. It is within My power and
authority that I do these things. Do not fear at the raging rivers or
turbulence that you see. Do not see them as an obstacle before you. 
You have nothing to fear that the enemy puts before you as a stumbling 
block. I will shake what needs to be shaken. I will push back what 
opposes me, and I will purify what requires holy purification in My 

My pathway has been marked. It has been written in My Word. My ways are 
set and they are much higher than your ways. What I put in order shall 
come to pass in my good order for what I decree shall be established. 

Do not think that I can not part the sea before you. I tell you today 
my children that I am the same as yesterday, today and tomorrow. There 
are no other Gods before Me. 

Stand in faith on the promises that I decree before you and you will see
them pass, dear ones.  I am the Lord, and I will provide.