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Date: Jan 12, 2002

This word is submitted by Jim Wies (jimmy@edify-ministries.org)


			No longer delayed

"That which has been delayed will no longer be delayed. You have now
walked into a new day. Even now it has already begun. It is a day of the
fulfilling of My promises. Many have begun to weary of waiting, and were
even on the verge of disillusionment from seemingly having promises that
remain unfulfilled. But I am not a man that I should lie. What I have
promised, I will surely perform. And now you will see what I will do."

"Now you shall see it spring forth. For this shall be a year of 
'achievement' and 'rest.' Achievement even in the midst of rest. For as 
some have wearied of striving, from having even attempted to bring forth 
the good of what I promised even out of the strength of their own efforts; 
now," says the Lord, "you will see what I will do. As you rest in My power, 
you will see what is achieved when I move on your behalf. I invite you 
to enter into My rest, and you will be able to give glory to Me as I move 
on your behalf," says the Lord.

~Jim Wies