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Date: Jan 09, 2002

This word is submitted by John Paul Jackson (info@streamsministries.com)


	[Moderator's note: We almost never ciruclate words with a copyright 
        on them.  However this is more of a prophetic teaching by a very 
        esablished prophetic minister and he copyrights his teachings.
	This copyrighted word/teaching is used with permission.]

  Copyright 2002. Streams Ministries International. Used by permission. 
  For more information, please see http://streamsministries.com. 

                        Walking as Children of Light
                            By John Paul Jackson

As followers of Jesus, we need to develop a heightened sensitivity to
the Lord and abide in His Word. When we do, we will hear God's voice
just by walking with Him. We will see, hear, know, and understand God's
ways and His heart.

Scripture tells us that as we abide in Him, we are transformed into His
glorious image little by little (2 Corinthians 3:18). In fact, we become
agents of transformation that advance the Kingdom of Light in the earth.

Although we carry the light of Christ within us, many of us fail to
recognize the exciting spiritual impact we have on others. We become
distracted by the little things in life, unaware of how God's light
within us challenges the darkness around us.

Much of the time, we are focused only on those things which are seen (2
Corinthians 4:18) and limit our thinking to what is logical, rational,
or tangible. This is a two-dimensional mind-set that originated with
Aristotle and that ignores the reality of the spiritual universe. In
life, there are actually seven dimensions of reality: height, depth,
width, soul, spirit, time, and light. To have a seven-dimensional
mind-set is to embrace the reality of the supernatural.

As children of the light, the Lord allows us glimpses into the
supernatural arena. Such revelations often motivate us to live holy
lives and restore our understanding of how awesome God is.

A few years ago, the Lord allowed me to "see" into the life of a young
lady as she was moving from one apartment to another. I not only saw
what was going on in the natural realm, but I was able to "see" what was
going on in the spiritual realm where I saw both the hordes of hell and
the heavenly hosts. For several hours one day, I watched God's angels
and Satan's demons interacting in this woman's life. The Lord opened my
eyes to "see" the Holy Spirit leading and guiding this young woman,
placing thoughts and feelings into her heart and in her mind, although
she was totally unaware of His presence.

In this vision, the young woman made a decision to sign an apartment
contract and began moving into a new apartment. As she turned the
doorknob and walked inside, I heard screams of fear from demons because
light was entering the darkness.

Then, the young woman walked next door to use her neighbor's telephone.
When the neighbor opened the door and saw the young woman, light entered
into the neighbor. The Spirit of God within this young woman was
impacting the neighbor.

The young woman wasn't thinking, "I feel the Holy Spirit's anointing on
me." She wasn't even considering thoughts of evangelism or wondering if
her neighbor was a Christian. Instead, she was embarrassed about
knocking on her neighbor's door and she was grumbling under her breath
about how much she hated moving. She was totally unaware of the
spiritual impact she was having on her neighbor. She was simply going
through the chores of everyday life, feeling more of its drudgery.

Later, I watched as the young woman drove to a grocery store. Passing by
one store, she became frustrated with herself and wondered why she
didn't see it in time. She began to look for a place to make a U-turn,
but she saw a sign that prohibited U-turns. So she continued driving
until she found another grocery store.

Entering the store, the young woman grabbed a shopping cart and began
walking down the isles, oblivious to the angels who were walking beside
her. They were directing her shopping cart down the isles in a haphazard
pattern. However, the young woman felt "lost" in the store. She couldn't
seem to find the things she needed and began to feel disoriented.
Suddenly, an angel whispered to her, "Here we go. Keep on walking."

Blinded to the reality of an alternative spiritual universe, the young
woman had just walked past demons who were sitting on shelves screaming
out in fear and panic because they were overcome by the light.

Once she had filled her shopping cart with food and cleaning supplies,
the young woman steered the cart toward a checkout lane. Suddenly,
another shopper edged in front of her. Frustrated, the young woman
became irritated, unaware that several angels had actually shoved the
shopper ahead of her.

The angels were eager to steer the young woman over to a different
cashier whom they had been preparing for a "God encounter." On that day,
the young woman was the fourth Christian who came through this cashier's
line -- the fourth time God's light had hit her that day. What the young
woman didn't realize was that five more times, and the cashier would
become a Christian. By then, the cashier would have encountered the
light of God so that she would be able to realize her need to change.

The young woman, however, was unaware of heaven's strategy. In fact, she
was still irritated about the rude shopper who cut in front of her.
Tired and frustrated, the young woman looked at her watch. She was
behind schedule and felt an urgency to get home. "I would have been home
a lot quicker," she thought, "if that person hadn't pulled in front of
me. I can't believe that I missed that first grocery store."

Sadly, the young woman was ignorant to how God was using her to advance
His Kingdom. Nor did she realize that one day she would receive a
heavenly reward for what happened in the cashier's life, simply because
she carried God's presence and walked with Him.

As children of the light, these sorts of things happen to us every
single day, but often we are unaware of them. Our spiritual sensitivity
is dull. Focused on the natural realm, we concentrate on simply existing
and surviving. Sadly, we miss savoring the exciting adventures God has
prepared for us.

Scripture says that God is light (John 1:89; 8:12; 1 John 1:5) and we
are children of light (Ephesians 5:8). Light always exposes and expels
the things of darkness (Ephesians 5:13).

Many of us think we have to "feel" spiritual to "be" spiritual, and thus
to have a spiritual impact on others. But in reality, it has nothing to
do with how we "feel." It has everything to do with our relationship to
Jesus Christ and that He comes to live in us. We are simply earthen
vessel that carry the presence of God. As the spirit of the living God
flows through us, we have a spiritual impact on everyone and everything
around us.

God called us into His marvelous light in order to proclaim His praises
(1 Peter 2:9). Everywhere we go, He will go with us (Matthew 28:20; John
14:20-21). He will live in us. His light will emanate through us. His
power and anointing will flow out from us, touching and changing
everyone we come in contact with.

Remember, "It is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who
has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory
of God in the face of Jesus Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6).

  Copyright 2002. Streams Ministries International. Used by permission. 
  For more information, please see http://streamsministries.com. 